07/03/2024, 08:54 PM UTC
使用Raspberry Pi Zero进行语音转录Speech Transcription Using Raspberry Pi Zero
1、文章介绍了一种使用Raspberry Pi Zero进行实时音频转录的设备,通过更强大的板子增强了之前的设计。2、讨论了使用Google-STT等免费开源软件进行语音识别的方法。3、该设备在记录会议纪要和将讲座转换为文本等多种应用中发挥作用。1. The article introduces a device using Raspberry Pi Zero for real-time audio transcription, enhancing previous designs with a more powerful board. 2. It discusses the use of free open-source software like Google-STT for speech recognition. 3. The device aids in various applications such as recording meeting minutes and converting lectures to text.
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