09/23/2024, 08:46 PM UTC
华硕发布搭载AMD Ryzen AI 9 365 Zen 5处理器的Adol 14 Air Fragrance Edition笔记本电脑ASUS Unveils An AMD Ryzen AI 9 365 Zen 5 Laptop That Makes A Lot Of Scents
➀ 华硕推出了新款笔记本电脑Adol 14 Air Fragrance Edition,兼具空气净化功能;➁ 该笔记本电脑与安娜·苏和Adol合作设计,内置香氛散布器;➂ 配备AMD Ryzen AI 9 365 'Strix Point'处理器、14英寸OLED显示屏和75Whr电池。➀ ASUS has launched a new laptop model, the Adol 14 Air Fragrance Edition, which doubles as an air freshener; ➁ The laptop is designed in collaboration with Anna Sui and Adol, featuring a fragrance dispenser built into the lid; ➂ It is equipped with an AMD Ryzen AI 9 365 'Strix Point' processor, a 14-inch OLED display, and a 75Whr battery.