02/11/2025, 09:00 AM UTC
《龙之谷III 重制版》销量超出Square Enix预期Dragon Quest III Remake sales exceeded Square Enix’s expectations
➀ Square Enix对游戏销量的预期通常很高,但最近的《龙之谷III 重制版》却超出了预期;➁ 该游戏的成功是Square Enix运营收入超出预期的主要因素;➂ HD-2D风格是重制老旧像素艺术游戏的成功格式。➀ Square Enix's expectations for game sales are generally high, but the recent Dragon Quest III remake has exceeded expectations; ➁ The game's success has been a major factor in Square Enix's higher-than-expected operating income; ➂ The HD-2D style has been a successful format for remaking older pixel-art games.---