09/17/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
Telesat获得政府资金支持Lightspeed宽带星座Telesat gets government funding for Lightspeed broadband constellation
➀ 加拿大卫星运营商Telesat已完成其Lightspeed低地球轨道宽带卫星星座的政府资金支持。这一投资是实现全球高速互联网网络的重大步骤。 ➁ 该资金包括加拿大和魁北克政府的贷款,加拿大贷款金额为21.4亿加元。 ➂ Telesat计划于2026年中旬发射其首颗Lightspeed卫星,与SpaceX的Starlink等服务展开竞争。➀ Telesat has completed government funding for its Lightspeed LEO broadband satellite constellation. The investment is a significant step towards the deployment of the network, which aims to provide high-speed internet globally. ➁ The funding includes loans from the Canadian and Quebec governments, with the Canadian loan amounting to CAD 2.14 billion. ➂ Telesat plans to launch the first of its Lightspeed satellites in mid-2026, competing with services like SpaceX's Starlink.