03/03/2025, 09:19 AM UTC
氢能源安全使用的传感器Sensors for Safe Use of Hydrogen
➀ 汉诺威弗研究者在氢气管道和储罐泄漏检测方面开发了传感器系统和测量设备;
➁ 这些系统旨在对化学工业中的氢气运输和设施进行连续监测;
➂ 通过使用多种传感器技术,为未来氢经济中的各种场景提供安全设备。
➀ Fraunhofer researchers have developed sensor systems and measuring equipment to detect leaks in hydrogen lines and tanks;
➁ The systems are designed for continuous monitoring of hydrogen shipments and facilities in the chemical industry;
➂ Multiple sensor technologies are used to provide safety equipment for various scenarios of the future hydrogen economy.