08/08/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
胜利还是灾难:英特尔的故事Triumph Or Disaster
➀ 英特尔面临重大挑战,但计划通过其18A工艺重新夺回行业领导地位。➁ 公司上一季度报告了16亿美元的亏损,并且在代工业务方面遇到困难。➂ 在大量财务支持和18A工艺的积极发展下,英特尔的未来仍不确定但充满希望。➀ Intel faces significant challenges but plans to regain industry leadership with its 18A process. ➁ The company reports a $1.6 billion loss last quarter and struggles with its foundry business. ➂ With substantial financial support and promising developments in its 18A process, Intel's future remains uncertain but hopeful.