11/07/2024, 03:21 PM UTC
弹性体提升智能可穿戴性能Elastomer Enhancing Smart Wearable Performance
➀ 中国宁波材料技术与工程研究所(NIMTE)的研究团队开发了一种具有高介电常数和低介电损耗的弹性体,适用于智能可穿戴设备。该材料结合了铁电性和弹性,提高了性能和可靠性。 ➁ 研究团队的创新在于使用刚性短链交联剂与铁电性 relaxor P(VDF-TrFE-CFE),显著降低了介电损耗。 ➂ 该弹性体表现出高弹性恢复和稳定的铁电响应,适用于可穿戴技术领域的各种应用。➀ A research team from Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) in China has developed a high-dielectric constant and low-dielectric loss elastomer for smart wearables. The material combines ferroelectricity with elasticity, enhancing performance and reliability. ➁ The team's innovation involves using a rigid short-chain crosslinker with relaxor ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE-CFE), significantly reducing dielectric loss. ➂ The elastomer demonstrates high elastic recovery and stable ferroelectric responses, suitable for various applications in the wearable technology sector.