09/09/2024, 03:28 PM UTC
「硅酷科技」获亿元级战略融资,自研运控技术、专注芯片键合设备国产替代 | 硬氪首发SiCool Technology Secures Billion-Dollar Strategic Financing, Focuses on In-House Motion Control Technology and Domestic Substitution of Chip Bonding Equipment |首发-36Kr
➀ 珠海市硅酷科技有限 公司(以下简称「硅酷科技」)近日完成亿元级战略融资,本轮融资由中车资本、哇牛资本和闻芯基金领投。 ➁ 硅酷科技成立于2018年12月,专注于多场景的芯片互联技术,碳化硅预烧结键合设备成为该细分领域国产替代的领导者。 ➂ 公司产品包括适用于各种场景的高精度芯片键合设备,涵盖手机模组、功率半导体、AI芯片行业和先进封装bonder。 ➃ 未来,硅酷科技将继续专注于高精度、高可靠、高效率的运控核心技术,并计划拓展到功率半导体、碳化硅和AI芯片HBM等领域。➀ SiCool Technology has secured a billion-dollar strategic financing, led by Zhongche Capital, Wan Niu Capital, and Wenxin Fund. The funds will be used for the mass delivery of silicon carbide pre-sintered bonding equipment and the commercialization of advanced packaging HBM equipment. ➁ SiCool Technology, founded in December 2018, specializes in chip interconnection technology and has become a leader in the domestic substitution of carbonized silicon pre-sintered bonding equipment. ➂ The company's products include high-precision chip bonding equipment for various scenarios, covering mobile module, power semiconductor, AI chip industry, and advanced packaging bonder. ➃ SiCool Technology will continue to focus on high-precision, high-reliability, and high-efficiency motion control core technology and plan to expand into power semiconductor, carbon silicon, and AI chip HBM directions.