10/06/2024, 11:22 AM UTC
苹果开始在印度本地生产全部iPhone系列并计划扩张旗舰店Apple Begins Local Production of iPhone Lineup in India and Plans Expansion of Flagship Stores
➀ 苹果开始 在印度生产iPhone 16 Pro和Pro Max型号;➁ 这标志着该公司首次在该国生产其全部iPhone系列;➂ 苹果计划在印度扩展其零售网络,将在班加罗尔、普纳、德里和孟买开设更多旗舰店;➃ 本地生产的型号将可供国内消费者购买,并将出口到国际市场;➄ 自2017年以来,苹果已在印度雇佣了超过3,000人,并通过与印度供应商的合作支持了数十万个工作岗位。➀ Apple has started manufacturing the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max models in India; ➁ This marks the first time the company has manufactured its entire iPhone lineup in the country; ➂ Apple plans to expand its retail presence in India with additional flagship stores in Bengaluru, Pune, Delhi, and Mumbai; ➃ The locally produced models will be available for both domestic consumers and export to international markets; ➄ Apple has employed over 3,000 people in India since 2017 and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs through its collaborations with Indian suppliers.