09/20/2024, 01:29 PM UTC
POET技术与三菱电机合作开发3.2T收发器用光芯片集POET Technologies and Mitsubishi Electric to develop optical chipsets for 3.2T transceivers
➀ POET技术与三菱电机将合作开发3.2T可插拔收发器用集成光学引擎芯片集;➁ 三菱电机将为项目贡献其400G电吸收调制器集成激光器(EMLs);➂ POET将集成EMLs、驱动器、光波导和其他关键功能构建块,以生产1.6T和3.2T光学引擎芯片集。➀ POET Technologies will collaborate with Mitsubishi Electric to develop integrated optical engine chipsets for 3.2T pluggable transceivers; ➁ Mitsubishi Electric will contribute its 400G Electro-absorption Modulator integrated Lasers (EMLs) to the project; ➂ POET will integrate the EMLs with drivers, optical waveguides, and other key functional building blocks to produce 1.6T and 3.2T optical engine chipsets.