08/19/2024, 08:27 PM UTC
三星计划年底引入高数值孔径EUV设备,SK海力士目标2026年Samsung to Introduce High-NA EUV Machine by Year-End, SK Hynix Targets 2026
➀ 三星计划在2024年底或2025年初引入其 首台高数值孔径EUV设备,ASML的EXE:5000,主要用于晶圆代工业务。➁ 公司目标在2027年实现高数值孔径EUV技术的全面商业化,与EDA公司合作开发新型掩模设计。➂ SK海力士计划在2026年引入ASML的下一代高数值孔径EUV机器EXE:5200,并计划将其应用于先进DRAM的生产。➀ Samsung plans to introduce its first High-NA EUV equipment, ASML’s EXE:5000, by the end of 2024 or early 2025, primarily for foundry operations. ➁ The company aims for full commercialization of High-NA EUV technology by 2027, collaborating with EDA companies to develop new mask designs. ➂ SK hynix is set to bring in ASML’s next-generation High-NA EUV machine, the EXE:5200, in 2026, with plans to apply it to advanced DRAM production.