02/06/2025, 05:54 AM UTC
Brinker International:同店销售额表现值得米其林星级评价Brinker International: A Comp Sales Performance Worth A Michelin Star
1. Brinker International的Chili's同店销售额同比增长31.4%,主要得益于Triple Dipper的推动和显著的运营改进。2. Triple Dipper本身就占了同店销售额的7个百分点,新菜单项目和营销策略吸引了Z世代顾客。3. EAT的营收同比增长26.55%,EBITDA增长102%,净利润增长超过180%,反映了公司强劲的财务状况。1. Brinker International's Chili's reported a 31.4% year-over-year same-store sales growth, driven by the Triple Dipper, and significant operational improvements. 2. The Triple Dipper alone accounted for 7 percentage points of same-store sales, with new menu items and marketing appealing to Gen Z guests. 3. EAT's top-line sales grew 26.55% year-over-year, with EBITDA increasing 102% and net income rising over 180%, reflecting strong financial health.---