02/23/2025, 01:43 PM UTC
拉普拉斯半导体面临特朗普政府关税威胁,通过IBM技术寻求豁免Rapidus Semiconductors Faces Tariff Threat from Trump Administration, Eyes Exclusion through IBM Technology
➀ 特朗普政府正在考虑对半导体和药品征收超过25%的附加关税,继汽车25%的附加关税之后。
➁ 拉普拉斯半导体计划于2027年量产最尖端半导体,并将美国视为关键出口市场。
➂ 如果征收附加关税,可能会影响其量产计划。
➃ 拉普拉斯正在基于使用IBM技术寻求豁免,认为它促进了美国半导体生产并有助于美国经济。
➀ The Trump administration is considering imposing additional tariffs of over 25% on semiconductors and pharmaceuticals, following a 25% tariff on automobiles.
➁ Rapidus Semiconductors aims to mass-produce cutting-edge semiconductors by 2027 and views the US as a key export market.
➂ If the additional tariffs are applied, it could impact their mass production plans.
➃ Rapidus is seeking an exclusion based on the use of IBM technology, arguing it promotes semiconductor production in the US and contributes to the US economy.