07/08/2024, 05:55 PM UTC
英特尔Battlemage显卡据报道基于台积电N4节点Intel Battlemage graphics cards reportedly based on TSMC’s N4 node
1、英特尔下一代Arc Xe2 GPU,采用Battlemage架构,将使用台积电的4nm EUV工艺制造。2、相较于之前使用台积电6nm DUV技术的Arc Alchemist系列,这是一个重大进步。3、转向台积电N4节点有望提高晶体管密度、性能和能效,旗舰Battlemage型号的Xe核心数量可能翻四倍。1. Intel's next-generation Arc Xe2 GPUs, based on the Battlemage architecture, will be manufactured using TSMC's 4nm EUV node. 2. This represents a significant improvement from the previous Arc Alchemist series using TSMC's 6nm DUV technology. 3. The transition to TSMC's N4 node promises enhanced transistor densities, performance, and power efficiency, potentially quadrupling the Xe cores on the flagship Battlemage model.
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