09/20/2024, 01:26 PM UTC
美国芯片法案为17家小企业研发项目提供500万美元资金US Chips Act R&D money for 17 small businesses
➀ 美国芯片法案为17家小企业研发项目提供500万美元资金,用于支持SBIR计划下的计量项目;➁ 该资金旨在确立所提议项目的价值、可行性和商业潜力;➂ 收益企业包括专注于高速相机、极紫外光刻、低温系统、热分析以及半导体制造设备等领域的公司。➀ The U.S. Chips Act awards $5 million to 17 small businesses for metrology projects under the SBIR Programme; ➁ The funding aims to establish the merit, feasibility, and commercial potential of the proposed projects; ➂ The recipients include companies focused on high-speed cameras, EUV lithography, cryogenic systems, thermal analysis, and semiconductor fabrication equipment among others.