02/18/2025, 06:16 AM UTC
NAND市场第一季度仍供过于求,预计第二季度供需接近平衡NAND still over-supplied
➀ 第一季度NAND市场供过于求,导致供应商持续面临价格下跌和财务压力。
➁ 预计第二季度供需将更加接近平衡,这得益于制造商的生产削减、智能手机领域的库存减少以及由AI和DeepSeek应用驱动的需求增长。
➂ 中国实施的以旧换新补贴政策刺激了智能手机销售,并加速了NAND闪存的库存消耗。
➀ The Q1 NAND market remains over-supplied, leading to sustained price declines and financial strain for suppliers.
➁ Supply and demand are expected to be closer to balance in Q2, driven by production cuts, inventory reductions, and growing demand from AI and DeepSeek applications.
➂ China's trade-in subsidy policies have stimulated smartphone sales and accelerated depletion of NAND Flash inventory.