07/25/2024, 08:49 PM UTC
NASA韦伯太空望远镜捕捉到12光年外外星行星的惊人照片NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Snaps Amazing Photo Of Alien Planet 12 Light Years Away
1. NASA的韦伯太空望远镜捕捉到了12光年外围绕K型星Epsilon Indi A运行的外星行星Epsilon Indi Ab的图像。2. 这颗行星的质量是木星的几倍,是迄今为止拍摄到的最冷的外行星之一。3. 观测结果揭示了关于行星大小、轨道和大气层的意外细节,与之前的模型预测不同。1. NASA's Webb Space Telescope captured an image of the exoplanet Epsilon Indi Ab, located 12 light years away and orbiting the K-type star Epsilon Indi A. 2. The exoplanet, several times the mass of Jupiter, is one of the coldest exoplanets imaged to date. 3. The observation revealed unexpected details about the planet's size, orbit, and atmosphere, differing from prior model predictions.