02/21/2025, 06:24 AM UTC
欧盟拨款10亿欧元支持英飞凌德累斯顿晶圆厂扩建EC awards €1bn European Chips Act money for Infineon’s Dresden fab
➀ 英飞凌已从欧盟委员会(EC)获得10亿欧元资金,用于其德累斯顿晶圆厂的欧洲芯片法案(European Chips Act)资助。
➁ 这笔资金需要联邦经济事务和气候行动部(BMWK)的最终批准。
➂ 德累斯顿工厂也得到欧盟IPCEI ME/CT项目的支持。
➀ Infineon has received approval from the European Commission (EC) for €1 billion in funding under the European Chips Act for its Dresden fabs.
➁ The funding requires final approval from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
➂ The Dresden site is also supported under the EC's IPCEI ME/CT program.