02/03/2025, 06:20 AM UTC
奥米特龙传感器完成1300万美元A轮融资Omnitron Sensors raises $13m Series A
➀ 洛杉矶的MEMS制造IP专家奥米特龙传感器已经完成了1300万美元的A轮融资;
➁ 这笔投资将用于扩大公司的工程和运营团队,并加速其首款产品——MEMS步进扫描镜的大规模生产;
➂ 奥米特龙的目标市场包括提高人工智能数据中心的数据吞吐量和能源效率,推进自动驾驶汽车中激光雷达的性价比和可靠性,以及提升XR头戴设备和眼镜的显示质量。
➀ Omnitron Sensors, a Los Angeles-based MEMS fabrication IP specialist, has raised $13 million in Series A funding;
➁ The investment will be used to expand the company's engineering and operations teams and accelerate the mass production of its first product, a MEMS step-scanning mirror;
➂ Omnitron's target markets include improving throughput and energy efficiency in AI data centers, advancing affordability and reliability of LiDAR in autonomous vehicles, and enhancing display quality in XR headsets/eyewear.
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