06/21/2024, 11:42 PM UTC
戴尔Alienware AW3225QF 4K QD-OLED曲面游戏显示器享受100美元优惠Get $100 off Alienware's AW3225QF curved gaming monitor — 4K QD-OLED visuals with a blistering 240 Hz refresh rate
1、戴尔Alienware AW3225QF 4K QD-OLED游戏显示器现享受100美元优惠;2、该显示器具备240Hz刷新率,确保游戏流畅;3、优惠适用于一款曲面游戏显示器,提供高质量视觉效果。1. Alienware AW3225QF 4K QD-OLED gaming monitor is available with a $100 discount at Dell; 2. The monitor features a 240 Hz refresh rate for smooth gameplay; 3. The offer is for a curved gaming monitor with high-quality visuals.