03/06/2025, 10:59 AM UTC
学生在 sounding rocket 上启动磁性液体实验 - 利用磁性液体改善未来太空技术Students Launch Ferrofluid Experiment in Sounding Rocket - Improving Future Space Technologies with Magnetic Fluid
➀ 斯图加特大学的学生们将于2025年3月10日至15日之间,从瑞典的欧洲太空港发射的 REXUS 火箭上启动一个磁性液体实验。
➁ 该任务旨在探索基于磁性液体的技术在失重条件下以及极端力和温度下的性能。
➂ 使用磁性液体的目的是改善太空旅行技术,重点关注耐用性和可持续性。
➀ Students from the University of Stuttgart are launching a ferrofluid experiment aboard the REXUS sounding rocket from the European spaceport in Sweden between March 10 and 15, 2025.
➁ The mission aims to explore the performance of ferrofluid-based technologies in weightless conditions and under extreme forces and temperatures.
➂ The use of magnetic fluid is intended to improve technologies for space travel, focusing on durability and sustainability.