01/29/2025, 11:33 AM UTC
DIN导轨电子保险丝DIN rail electronic fuse
➀ Recom开发了一系列具有控制和保护功能的四通道DIN导轨电子保险丝。
➁ 这些电子保险丝可以将24V电源分配到四个独立的负载通道,每个通道的电流限制为5A或10A,并且具备软启动和欠压锁定功能。
➂ 每个通道包含一个电位器以设置允许的最大电流,并且该设备支持通过继电器触点实现自动恢复和远程指示。
➀ Recom has developed a series of four-channel DIN rail electronic fuses with control and protection features.
➁ These e-fuses can distribute a 24V supply to four separate load channels with individual current limits of 5A or 10A, and they have soft-start and UVLO features.
➂ Each channel includes a potentiometer for setting the maximum allowable current, and the device supports auto-recovery and remote indication through relay contacts.