08/24/2024, 03:36 PM UTC
谷歌:有吸引力的云和AI机会Google: Attractive Cloud And AI Opportunity
1、谷歌正在重塑其成本基础,以在投资AI和云计算技术的同时扩大营业利润率。2、谷歌云正在获得市场份额并整合AI,其前100大客户中的大多数已经在使用其生成式AI解决方案。3、AI是谷歌的关键增长驱动力,公司在AI基础设施和产品中的生成式AI功能上进行了大量投资。1. Google is reengineering its cost base to expand operating margins while investing in AI and cloud technologies. 2. Google Cloud is gaining market share and integrating AI, with most top 100 customers using its generative AI solutions. 3. AI is a key growth driver for Google, with significant investments in AI infrastructure and generative AI features across products.
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