02/20/2025, 11:57 PM UTC
退休到终身增长的被动收入:5只高收益股票5 High-Yield Stocks For Retiring To A Lifetime Of Growing Passive Income
1、这5只股息股票提供了高收益、宽护城河、强劲的资产负债表和不断增长的派息,为终身被动收入提供了罕见的组合;2、为什么像SCHD的3.6%收益率的股息ETF可能不够,以及这些个别股票如何为您的退休投资组合提供动力;3、从房地产、能源、基础设施等领域获得的抗通胀股息,以下是构建坚不可摧的收入流的方法。1. These 5 dividend stocks offer a rare combination of high yields, wide moats, strong balance sheets, and growing payouts for a lifetime of passive income; 2. Why dividend ETFs like SCHD's 3.6% yield may not be enough, and how these individual stocks can supercharge your retirement portfolio; 3. Inflation-beating dividends from real estate, energy, infrastructure, and more, here's how to build a bulletproof income stream.---