08/11/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
明基Zowie最新游戏显示器刷新率高达400HzBenQ’s latest Zowie gaming monitor boasts 400Hz refresh rate
1、明基Zowie推出XL2566X+,具备400Hz刷新率和DyAc 2技术。2、该显示器提供改进的色彩表现和减少运动模糊。3、它包含多种连接选项和专为电子竞技设计的独家功能。1. BenQ Zowie introduces the XL2566X+, featuring a 400Hz refresh rate and DyAc 2 technology. 2. The monitor offers improved colour performance and reduced motion blur. 3. It includes various connectivity options and exclusive features tailored for esports.