08/05/2024, 03:29 PM UTC
下一代电机控制和功率转换的新一代MCUNext-Gen MCU for Motor Control And Power Conversion
➀ 英飞凌科技推出新一代MCU系列,即Infineon PSOC Control系列,旨在提升电机控制和功率转换在多种应用中的性能。➁ 这些MCU基于Arm Cortex-M33内核,具备高性能ADC、高分辨率PWM和集成CORDIC加速器等先进功能。➂ 这些功能不仅实现了显著的能源节约,还降低了系统级BOM成本,支持采用SiC和GaN等WBG技术。➀ Infineon Technologies has introduced a new series of MCUs, the Infineon PSOC Control family, aimed at enhancing motor control and power conversion in various applications. ➁ The MCUs are based on the Arm Cortex-M33 core and feature advanced capabilities such as high-performance ADCs, high-resolution PWM, and an integrated CORDIC Accelerator. ➂ These features enable significant energy savings and system-level BOM cost reductions, supporting the adoption of WBG technologies like SiC and GaN.