11/14/2024, 09:36 PM UTC
中小企业智能电表推广:实现潜力的必要条件Smart-Meter Rollout in SMEs: What is Needed to Utilize the Potential
➀ 汉堡气候、环境和能源研究所强调了智能电表在德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州中小企业中的潜力,强调了能源效率和成本降低。➁ SMEs 面临着有效使用智能电表的挑战,包括信息不足和合适的软件。➂ 报告提出了包括信息服务、可扩展软件和政策支持在内的解决方案,以使 SMEs 能够从智能电表中获益。➀ The Wuppertal Institute highlights the potential of smart meters for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in NRW, Germany, emphasizing energy efficiency and cost reduction. ➁ The challenges for SMEs to effectively use smart meters include lack of information and suitable software. ➂ The report proposes solutions such as information services, scalable software, and policy support to enable SMEs to benefit from smart metering.
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