07/12/2024, 05:48 PM UTC
中国领先芯片开发软件公司完成重大项目后裁员一半:报告Months after completing a major project, leading Chinese chip development software firm cuts half of workforce: Report
❶ 中国领先的芯片开发软件公司X-Epic据报道已裁员200人;❷ 此举是在该公司以其芯片设计工具实现重大里程碑仅几个月后发生的;❸ 目前尚不清楚突然裁员的原因。❶ X-Epic, a leading Chinese chip development software firm, has reportedly laid off 200 employees; ❷ This move comes just months after the company achieved a significant milestone with its chip design tools; ❸ The reasons behind the sudden workforce reduction are not yet clear.