02/11/2025, 06:06 AM UTC
英国航天局支持Excelerate开发多轨道多波束卫星天线UK Space Agency backs Excelerate for multi-beam satellite antenna
➀ 英国航天局(UKSA)为威尔士通信集成专家Excelerate提供了600万英镑的资助,以开发多轨道、多波束卫星天线。
➁ 该项目名为MAMUT,旨在通过应用程序让用户选择运营商和轨道,即使在偏远地区也能提供高速连接。
➂ 这项由UKSA的近地轨道连接(C-LEO)计划资助的倡议,旨在使英国保持在太空连接行业的最前沿。
➀ The UK Space Agency (UKSA) has provided Excelerate, a Welsh communications integration specialist, with a £6 million award to develop a multi-orbit, multi-beam satellite antenna.
➁ The project, known as MAMUT, is designed to allow users to choose an operator and orbit via an app, providing high-speed connectivity even in remote locations.
➂ The UKSA’s Connectivity in Low-Earth Orbit (C-LEO) programme is funding this initiative, which aims to keep the UK at the forefront of the space connectivity industry.