11/15/2024, 10:53 PM UTC
本周末狮子座流星雨将点亮夜空,为天文爱好者带来一场天象盛宴Leonid Meteor Shower To Dazzle Stargazers With A Celestial Show This Weekend
➀ 本周末狮子座流星雨将达到高潮,流星速度可达每小时44英里;➁ 由于几乎满月,观测条件将受到影响,但清晨时分观测流星的机会更大;➂ 狮子座流星雨源自彗星Tempel-Tuttle,该彗星于1865年首次被发现。➀ The Leonid meteor shower is set to peak this weekend, with meteors traveling up to 44 miles per second; ➁ The viewing conditions will be affected by a nearly full moon, but early morning hours can improve chances of seeing more meteors; ➂ The Leonids are derived from the parent comet, Comet Tempel-Tuttle, and were first discovered in 1865.