10/07/2024, 11:26 AM UTC
台積電不能沒有它!韓媒直擊ASML總部 2種人可以進入貴賓廳TSMC Can't Do Without It! South Korean Media Exposes ASML Headquarters: Only Two Types of People Can Enter the VIP Lounge
➀ ASML荷兰总部位于埃因霍温,只有全球半导体公司购买价值数十亿欧元的极 紫外光(EUV)设备或高级政府官员才能进入。➁ ASML首席执行官克里斯托夫·福克特强调自由贸易对于半导体生态系统的关键作用。➂ 福克特讨论了韩国半导体行业的发展以及保护主义带来的挑战。➀ ASML's headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, is accessible only to global semiconductor companies purchasing billion-dollar EUV equipment or high-level government officials. ➁ The CEO of ASML, Christophe Fouquet, emphasizes the importance of free trade for the semiconductor ecosystem. ➂ Fouquet discusses the development of the Korean semiconductor industry and the challenges posed by protectionism.