12/24/2024, 03:14 PM UTC
无风扇ICE冷却解决方案亮相,为静音轻薄笔记本电脑提供支持Fanless ICE Cooling Solution Is Unveiled For Silent Thin And Light Laptops
➀ Ventiva推出了一款针对轻薄笔记本电脑的无风扇冷却系统;➁ ICE技术利用电离空气和电场来提高冷却效率;➂ 该系统无噪音、无振动,适用于包括手机和平板电脑在内的各种设备。➀ Ventiva has introduced a fanless cooling system for thin and light laptops; ➁ The ICE technology utilizes ionized air and an electric field to enhance cooling efficiency; ➂ The system is noiseless, vibration-free, and suitable for various devices including phones and tablets.---