06/26/2024, 01:45 AM UTC
特斯拉Cybertruck三个月内第三次召回And that's 3 recalls for Tesla Cybertruck in as many months
1、特斯拉对Cybertruck发布了两次新的召回,三个月内召回总数达到三次。2、召回涉及自脱落装饰条和可能突然停止工作的前挡风玻璃雨刷电机问题。3、特斯拉自二月份起已知悉雨刷电机故障,并已采取纠正措施。1. Tesla has issued two more recalls for the Cybertruck, bringing the total to three in three months. 2. The recalls involve issues with self-detaching trim and a potentially failing front windshield wiper motor. 3. Tesla is aware of the wiper motor failures since February and has initiated corrective actions.