10/10/2024, 01:12 PM UTC
PhotonDelta 启动光子芯片应用竞赛PhotonDelta launches competition for PIC applications
➀ PhotonDelta 与 Wevolver 合作,推出一项竞赛,旨在开发解决全球性挑战的光子芯片应用;➁ 该竞赛获得6000万欧元资金支持,旨在促进光子集成电路生态系统的创新;➂ 获胜者将获得价值50,000欧元的支持服务,并有机会从PhotonDelta获得高达200万欧元的贷款。➀ PhotonDelta is launching a contest in collaboration with Wevolver to develop applications for photonic chips that address global challenges; ➁ The contest is supported by a €60 million fund and aims to foster innovation in the PIC ecosystem; ➂ Winners will receive services worth €50,000 and a chance to raise a €2 million loan from PhotonDelta.