09/02/2024, 08:46 PM UTC
简化PCB设计和制造的新产品Making PCB Design And Manufacturing Easier
➀ PCBPartz.com是Zettaone Technologies和PCB Libraries的合作项目,提供全面的PCB设计和制造解决方案,提高效率并减少错误。➁ 该平台提供标准化符号和封装库,确保PCB生产的连贯性和准确性。➂ PCBPartz还提供库任务外包服务,帮助公司避免延误并保持项目进度。➀ PCBPartz.com, a collaboration between Zettaone Technologies and PCB Libraries, offers a comprehensive solution for PCB design and manufacturing, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors. ➁ The platform provides a library of standardized symbols and footprints, ensuring consistency and accuracy in PCB production. ➂ PCBPartz also offers outsourcing services for library tasks, helping companies avoid delays and maintain project timelines.