11/05/2024, 01:47 PM UTC
半导体行业恐惧情绪下的ACM Research:一个投资机会ACM Research: Fear In The Semiconductor Industry Provides An Opportunity
1、ACM Research开发用于清洁和抛光半导体设备的设备;2、尽管行业存在恐惧情绪,ACMR的核心产品和多元化的客户基础使其长期增长前景良好;3、ACMR的估值仅为15倍市盈率,与其竞争对手相比,提供了投资机会。1. ACM Research develops equipment for cleaning and polishing semiconductor devices; 2. Despite sector fears, ACMR's essential products and diverse client base position it for long-term growth; 3. ACMR is valued at only 15 times earnings, offering an opportunity compared to its competitors.