03/02/2025, 03:28 PM UTC
忘掉iPhone 17 Air,Tecno Spark Slim是一款电池容量大且机身极薄的手机Forget iPhone 17 Air, Tecno Spark Slim Is A Stupid Thin Phone With A Big Battery
➀ 文章讨论了智能手机制造商竞相生产最薄手机的趋势,让人联想到经典的周六夜现场节目。
➁ Tecno的Spark Slim原型被突出显示为“世界上最薄的”智能手机,拥有5,200mAh的电池和仅5.75mm的厚度。
➂ 文章将Spark Slim的厚度与其他领先的智能手机和可折叠型号进行了比较,指出尽管电池容量大,但其薄度仍然令人印象深刻。
➀ The article discusses the emerging trend of smartphone manufacturers competing to produce the thinnest handsets, reminiscent of a classic Saturday Night Live sketch.
➁ Tecno's Spark Slim prototype is highlighted as the 'world's slimmest' smartphone with a 5,200mAh battery and a profile of just 5.75mm.
➂ The article compares the Spark Slim's thickness to other leading smartphones and foldable models, noting its impressive thinness despite the battery size.