09/11/2024, 06:12 PM UTC
无人机代表高科技且是高价值商品 - Thanos Technologies 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Pradeep Palelli“Drones Represent High Technology And Are High-Ticket Items” – Pradeep Palelli, Co-Founder and CEO at Thanos Technologies
➀ Thanos Technologies 拥有 3000 台喷洒无人机的年生产能力,讨论了无人机行业的挑战和机遇。他们强调自产自销以确保售后服务和成本效益。➁ 自 2021 年以来,该公司在印度的七个州销售了超过 300 台无人机。➂ Thanos Technologies 正在专注于扩张,包括在印度全国建立经销商和服务中心网络。➀ Thanos Technologies, with an annual production capacity of 3000 spraying drones, discusses the challenges and opportunities in the drone industry. They emphasize self-manufacturing for after-sales service and cost efficiency. ➁ The company's drones have been sold in seven Indian states, with over 300 units sold since 2021. ➂ Thanos Technologies is focusing on expansion, including establishing a network of dealers and service centers across India.