07/21/2024, 07:03 PM UTC
华尔街早餐:下周展望Wall Street Breakfast: The Week Ahead
1、第二季度财报季将成为焦点,包括Alphabet和特斯拉在内的大型公司将发布其业绩。2、经济日历将重点介绍6月份个人收入和支出报告,包括核心PCE价格指数。3、值得关注的事件包括比特币2024大会和巴黎奥运会的开幕。1. The second quarter earnings season will be in focus with major companies like Alphabet and Tesla releasing their results. 2. The economic calendar will highlight the June personal income and outlays report, including the core PCE price index. 3. Notable events include the Bitcoin 2024 Conference and the start of the Paris Olympics.