11/21/2024, 06:24 PM UTC
意法半导体下调财务目标ST reins back financial targets
➀ 意法半导体因汽车和工业市场疲软,将原定的2027年200亿美元收入目标推迟至2030年。 ➁ 2027-28年度的收入目标调整为约180亿美元,运营利润率为22-24%。 ➂ 首席执行官让-马克·谢里预计未来三年资本支出将下降,同时强调ST作为最大的碳化硅芯片供应商的地位及其通过功率IC和边缘设备在AI领域的收入潜力。➀ ST has revised its long-term financial targets, pushing the $20 billion revenue target from 2027 to 2030 due to weaknesses in the automotive and industrial markets. ➁ For 2027-28, the revenue target is now around $18 billion with an operating margin of 22-24%. ➂ CEO Jean-Marc Chery expects capex to decline over the next three years but emphasizes ST's position as the largest SiC chip seller and its AI revenue potential.