02/24/2025, 06:20 AM UTC
2024年电动汽车销量增长25%,特斯拉保持领先地位2024 EV sales up 25%
➀ 2024年,电动汽车和燃料电池汽车销量增长25%,达到1690万辆,中国市场份额扩大至67%;
➁ 特斯拉在纯电动汽车(BEV)销量中保持领先,比亚迪和上汽通用五菱紧随其后,后者销量显著增长;
➂ 比亚迪在插电式混合动力车(PHEV)领域占据38%的市场份额,预计2025年行业将出现整合和可能的合并。
➀ In 2024, EV and fuel cell vehicle sales grew by 25% to reach 16.9 million units, with China's market share expanding to 67%;
➁ Tesla maintained its top position in BEV sales, followed by BYD and SAIC-GM-Wuling, which saw significant growth;
➂ BYD dominated the PHEV segment with a 38% market share, and the industry is expected to see consolidation and potential mergers in 2025.