11/01/2024, 07:45 PM UTC
台积电年底将拥有首台高NA EUV光刻机TSMC to have first high NA EUV machine by year-end
➀ 台积电预计将在年底获得其首台高NA EUV光刻机;➁ 英特尔目前拥有两台价值3.5亿美元的此类光刻机;➂ 台积电计划在2nm工艺之后的第二代工艺A10中使用这些新机器,预计将在2030年。➀ TSMC is set to acquire its first high-NA EUV lithography machine by the end of the year; ➁ Intel currently has two of these $350 million machines; ➂ TSMC plans to use the new machines for its A10 process in 2030, two generations after its 2nm process.