11/10/2024, 11:06 PM UTC
英国最古老的卫星神秘移动,成定时炸弹Someone Moved The UK’s Oldest Satellite And It’s A Ticking Time Bomb
➀ 英国最古老的卫星Skynet-1A神秘移动,因其状况和可能产生的太空碎片,被认为是一颗定时炸弹。 ➁ 该卫星于1969年发射,本应被引导至印度洋地区,但最终出现在靠近其他卫星交通的‘重力井’中。 ➂ 目前对卫星的控制权存在不确定性,有些人认为它被美国空军和皇家空军共同遗弃。➀ The UK's oldest satellite, Skynet-1A, has mysteriously moved and is now considered a 'ticking time bomb' due to its condition and potential to create space debris. ➁ The satellite was launched in 1969 and was supposed to be directed to the Indian Ocean region, but it ended up in a 'gravity well' near other satellite traffic. ➂ There is uncertainty about who currently controls the satellite, with some suggesting it was abandoned by both the US Air Force and the Royal Air Force.