02/24/2025, 06:06 AM UTC
Leonardo业绩凸显英国基地就业增长Leonardo results highlight increased employment at UK sites
➀ Leonardo在英国基地的就业人数有所增加,2024年新增1,400名员工,其中包括450名早期职业计划员工。
➁ 公司报告称,过去12个月订单、收入和EBITA显著增长。
➂ Leonardo强调其在全球航空航天、国防和安全行业中的领导作用,重点关注可持续性和年轻人才的吸引。
➀ Leonardo highlighted increased employment at its UK sites, with 1,400 new hires in 2024, including 450 in early careers schemes.
➁ The company reported significant growth in orders, revenues, and EBITA over the last 12 months.
➂ Leonardo emphasized its role in the global Aerospace, Defense, and Security industry, with a focus on sustainability and young talent attraction.