10/15/2024, 04:00 AM UTC
麻省理工学院团队在全3D打印活动电子设备方面迈出重要一步MIT team takes a major step toward fully 3D-printed active electronics
➀ 麻省理工学院的研究人员展示了完全3D打印的可重置保险丝,这是活动电子设备的关键组件;➁ 这些设备使用标准的3D打印硬件和一种廉价的可生物降解材料制作而成;➂ 尽管它们的性能不如基于硅的晶体管,但它们可以用于像调节电动机速度这样的基本控制操作。➀ MIT researchers have demonstrated fully 3D-printed resettable fuses, key components of active electronics; ➁ The devices are made using standard 3D printing hardware and an inexpensive, biodegradable material; ➂ While not performing as well as silicon-based transistors, they could be used for basic control operations like regulating the speed of an electric motor.---