01/21/2025, 01:28 PM UTC
HAL2025竞赛三名决赛选手晋级下一轮Three Finalists Advance to Next Phase for HAL2025 Competition
➀ Cyberagentur宣布了HAL2025竞赛的三名决赛选手,该竞赛专注于开发自主智能系统。
➁ 决赛选手包括来自马格德堡弗劳恩霍夫制造自动化研究所(Fraunhofer IFF)、康斯坦茨大学的海科·哈曼教授(Prof. Dr. Heiko Hamann)以及作为个人参赛者的马丁·马特(Martin Matt)。
➂ 下一阶段要求在2025年4月底前提交详细概念,并由评审团进行评估。
➀ The Cyberagentur has announced three finalists for their HAL2025 competition focused on developing autonomous intelligent systems.
➁ The finalists include Fraunhofer IFF from Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Heiko Hamann from the University of Konstanz, and Martin Matt as an individual participant.
➂ The next phase requires detailed concepts to be submitted by April 2025, with a grand jury evaluating the submissions.