08/19/2024, 07:37 AM UTC
苹果继续投入数十亿美元开发自家蜂窝调制解调器Apple to Continue Spending Billions on In-House Cellular Modems
➀ 据报道,苹果继续投入数十亿美元开发自家蜂窝调制解调器,尽管面临性能和散热问题。➁ 目前苹果设备使用高通调制解调器,这些调制解调器在市场上被认为是领先的。➂ 苹果开发自家调制解调器的动机包括减少对高通的依赖,并可能整合一个统一芯片来处理所有无线功能。➀ Apple is reportedly continuing to invest billions in developing its own cellular modems, despite challenges in performance and heating issues. ➁ Current Apple devices use Qualcomm modems, which are considered superior in the market. ➂ The motivation for Apple's in-house development includes reducing reliance on Qualcomm and potentially integrating a unified chip for all wireless functions.