03/17/2025, 05:53 AM UTC
进化中的机器人分类百科全书Evolving Encyclopedia For Classifying Robots
➀ 慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)的研究人员开发了一种名为“机器人树”的不断进化的百科全书,用于对机器人系统进行分类和比较。
➁ 该百科全书专注于定义机器人的专业化能力,特别是其触觉适应性和运动适应性,这对于现实世界的应用至关重要。
➂ ‘机器人树’旨在通过提供一个全面的资源来支持未来的研究,帮助识别适合算法测试的系统,并随着新指标和机器人系统的加入而扩展。
➀ Researchers at Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed an evolving encyclopedia called the 'Tree of Robots' to classify and compare robotic systems.
➁ The encyclopedia focuses on defining specialized capabilities of robots, particularly their tactile fitness and motion fitness, which are crucial for real-world applications.
➂ The 'Tree of Robots' aims to support future research by providing a comprehensive resource for identifying suitable systems for algorithm testing and expanding with new metrics and robotic systems.