08/14/2024, 01:30 PM UTC
Farnell 推出 Raspberry Pi Pico 2Farnell offers Raspberry Pi Pico 2
➀ Farnell 现在提供 Raspberry Pi Pico 2,该产品采用性能和安全性增强的 RP2350 微控制器。➁ RP2350 包含 150MHz 系统时钟、双 Arm Cortex-M33 核心和 520KB SRAM 等改进。➂ Pico 2 配备 4MB 板载闪存,并可在 Farnell、Newark 和 element14 订购。➀ Farnell now offers the Raspberry Pi Pico 2, featuring the RP2350 microcontroller with enhanced performance and security. ➁ The RP2350 includes a 150MHz system clock, dual Arm Cortex-M33 cores, and 520KB SRAM, among other improvements. ➂ The Pico 2 comes with 4MB of onboard flash memory and is available for order from Farnell, Newark, and element14.