02/24/2025, 08:48 AM UTC
第八届UKP研讨会:高功率激光与材料加工新技术8th UKP Workshop: High-power Lasers and New Technologies for Material Processing
➀ 第八届UKP研讨会将于2025年4月8日至9日在亚琛的DAS LIEBIG举行,重点关注通过创新系统技术扩大规模和提高生产力。
➁ 主要议题包括光束整形、快速光束偏转和高压光束源的使用。
➂ 来自工业和研究的精彩演讲将涵盖最新的技术趋势和工业应用。
➀ The 8th UKP Workshop will be held at DAS LIEBIG in Aachen on April 8 and 9, 2025, focusing on scaling and increasing productivity through innovative system technology.
➁ Key topics include beam shaping, fast beam deflection, and the use of high-power beam sources.
➂ Exciting presentations from industry and research will cover the latest technological trends and industrial applications.